Our partners

I collaborated with the organization 'We Plant Trees' in the fall of 2022, from the position of the campaign team producer for General Petr Pavel. As part of the conclusion of our signature tour, we prepared a press conference with an outreach. We wanted to draw attention to the impacts of the signature campaign on the environment, whether in the form of a carbon footprint, or tens of thousands of printed sheets. Therefore, we decided to symbolically give back to our landscape by planting 25 trees. Thanks not only to Martina from 'We Plant Trees', but also to always smiling coordinator Jana, and all the people involved in the project.

foto: archiv týmu Petra Pavla

Petra Vykydalová


Our company has been collaborating with the non-profit organization, We Plant Trees, since 2016. We're glad to have a reliable partner with whom we can help even those locations that lack adequate funding for tree planting. Even a little can change our environment, our country, our world... It's great that together with our customers and employees, we can be a part of this.

Václava Svobodová

Specialist in Internal and External Communication, ROSSMANN

From their beginnings, we focus on high-quality care for the conducted plantings. They involve local communities, thus leading residents of villages and towns to take an interest in their surroundings. We are proud supporters in the Partnership Foundation. We greatly appreciate the work of all the volunteers involved and the fact that we are part of the common movement Plant Trees, Plant the Future.

The name Petr Kazda doesn't require translation as it is a proper noun.

Ředitel Nadace Partnerství

I fondly recall collaborating with the organization Sázíme stromy (We Plant Trees); an enthusiastic team of volunteers, who understand nature and know how to plant trees professionally and in a fun way, immediately springs to my mind. What convinced us most at the time to choose Sázíme stromy as our partner was their unique approach - even three years after planting, the saplings are under supervision to ensure they take root properly and grow successfully. In 2019, we had the opportunity to find out firsthand how the selection of a location, the choice of suitable tree species is made, and we even got to handle the planting tools ourselves. Since then we have planted a good number of tree-lined paths, tree rows, copses, and bio-corridors, and we will continue to cooperate in various ways. Because due to the bark beetle calamity or the impact of extreme drought in previous years, planting new trees is really needed!

Eva Horucková

Společenská odpovědnost, ČSOB

We Plant Trees is a crucial partner for the Tipsport Foundation, not only during employee tree planting events, but also during our tree planting and caring grants. They provide us with methodological and field supervision, because it's important to us that all plantings are done correctly and that the trees serve our country for a long time.

Lucia Štefánková

Director of the Tipsport Foundation


With the help of 24,133 volunteers we have planted



They produce 1,793,909 hectolitres of O2 a year, which is the annual consumption of 8,969 people
They absorb 147,445 kilograms CO2 a year, which compensates for 6,702 car journeys from Prague to Brno


They produce 114,125 hectolitres of O2 a year, which is the annual consumption of 570 people
They absorb 3,127 kilograms CO2 a year, which compensates for 142 car journeys from Prague to Brno
image/svg+xml 29,103 TREES 24,597 SHRUBS 6702 car trips from Prague to Brno which will offset 142 car trips from Prague to Brno O 2 produces 1,793,909 hectolitres CO 2 absorbs 147,445 kilograms of CO 2 absorbs 3,127 kilograms of O 2 produces 114,125 hectolitres what is the annual consumption for people 8969 people what is the annual consumption for 570 24,133 VOLUNTEERS With the help of we planted

How does it work?

  1. 1. We look for a planting location
  2. 2. We make arrangements with the donor
  3. 3. We organise the planting
  4. 4. We inspect the planting
  5. 5. And it will grow on its own!


In a simple way we can do a lot of good for the countryside. We receive funding for plantings from companies and individuals. Planting dates and sites are arranged according to the number of plantings and needs of the donors. We will lend you tools and bring the trees and materials to you. Our professional coordinators are capable of working with large groups. And they speak English. Together we’ll show you how to plant the trees and then we’ll get to work! Upon request, we will provide a CO2 compensation and offset certificate for the planting. Our plantings produce zero waste.


We will help you with the planting plan. We will secure a consultation with a landscaper. We will arrange the material and trees for planting and deliver everything to the site. The trees will be planted by volunteers under the guidance of our experienced coordinators. After planting, we will hand over the trees to you for subsequent care.


In 2022, after two years of preparation, we began regular visits to our planting sites. After a year and a half, we return to the planting site and record the condition of each tree. We are happy to report that 85% of our trees and bushes are doing well. At sites where we find fundamental flaws, we work together with the municipalities to find ways to correct the situation or replace the plantings.